An integrated supply chain

How the best fruits are grown

We are acutely aware that the best produce is fruit of close attention to detail at all phases of growth. This is why we personally follow our melons at each and every stage of plant development, from seeding to distribution:

  • We start right away by selecting the best seeds;
  • Seedlings are then pampered in nurseries;
  • They are then transplanted, with the utmost precaution to avoid damage, in the open field where they are watered and fertilised under tightly monitored conditions;
  • Our operators verify with deepest care and attention that every fruit is mature and ready. Then harvesting begins.

We strive to optimise each and every phase of the production cycle and subject our produce to stringent quality assurance testing ahead of shipping to retailers. The love for our work, our land and our produce emerges at every stage of the production cycle. We take care of our melons through the entire supply chain, with attention and care. This is the only way we know to offer you the best melons on the market: the most beautiful, tastiest, juiciest and the most fragrant.

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