We grew from a tiny seed. Like all largest fruits

Mantua, a land, a dream

The market leading enterprise we are now, started off in 1968 as a sole proprietorship named after its founder, who decided to turn his small plot of land into a melon farm. At the time, Antonio Francescon could never have imagined the groundbreaking repercussions of his decision. Since then, yields have steadily risen and, at present, exceed 30 million units per year. In this way, we contribute in carrying on the long tradition that binds the city of Mantua to this highly-prized fruit: a fruit sought-after for centuries for its firm bite, juiciness, and superbly fragrant taste. Which confirms a centuries-lasting tradition, known around the world.

The melon tradition in Mantua

Melon farming in Mantua was first documented in the late 15th century. The archives of the ruling Gonzaga family contain detailed accounts of "allotments dedicated to melons coming from this specific region". A tradition that will go on through the centuries to become more and more noticed, in Italy and abroad. But what makes Mantua the perfect area for growing melons? It is, in fact, its location: the composition of local topsoil and the prevailing micro-climate are particularly conducive to melon farming. As a matter of fact, it was with no surprise, yet with enormous pride, that the "Mantua Melon" was granted PGI status in 2013.

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